Longbeard Orc Slayer

  • Player Card Categories
    • Direct Damage
    • Enters Play



The Longbeards are the only Dwarves introduced in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings although there are other clans of Dwarves descended from the original 7 fathers created by Aule. The Longbeard Dwarves during both books lived in the Iron Hills or Dunland. The Hobbit saw the Longbeards reclaim Erebor from the Dragon Smaug during the Third Age not long prior to Sauron’s return.

The Longbeards had clashed with orcs since Durin’s Folk claimed the Grey Mountains in the First Age. In the Second Age after Morgoth’s defeat saw orcs coming from the East to attack Dwarven lands again. The Third Age saw orcs move into Khazad-dum after the Balrog drove out the Longbeards.

Card Theme

Longbeard Orc Slayer deals damage to all orcs in play. It is a pretty self-evident mechanical link to the theme.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Put Into Play

There are a few actions that can put an ally into play at any action window. Sneak Attack, To me! O my kinsfolk!, Horns! Horns! Horns!, and Reinforcements work great with the slayer. They allow putting it into play after staging to maximize the number of orcs it can hit. If using other direct damage effects, it could even destroy some orcs before quest resolution to lower staging area threat. Timely Aid and Stand and Fight still can get the slayer into play at an action window after staging, but they won’t go back to a player’s hand or deck to play again later. If slayer chump blocks, Stand and Fight and To me! O my kinsfolk! can bring it back for another round of damage.


More Direct Damage

There are only 2 orc enemies in the game with 1 hit point. As a result, the Longbreard Orc Slayer most of the time won’t be able to destroy an orc with their ability alone. Fortunately there are many more direct damage effects. Thalin also from the Core Set will deal a direct damage to each enemy as it is revealed. Thalin combined with the slayer can kill every 2 hit point orc. Gondorian Spearman (also in the Core Set) can kill a 3 hit point orc while defending. Spear of the Citadel on Gondorian Spearman can make this even better with another damage to take out 4 hit point enemies.

Galadhon Archer, Descendent of Throndor, Rumil, Gandalf ally have direct damage effects like the hunter dealing direct damage when they enter play. These also can be doubled up to take out tougher orc enemies and make more consistent combos with put into play effects.

Tactics Bilbo has a similar ability to Thalin although it targets only 1 enemy and they already need to be in play. Then with his trusty sword, Sting, Bilbo can deal a direct damage in combat. Dwarves also have Darrowdelf Axe and Thorin Stonehelm that can do some additional direct damage while attacking. There are also many event based ones like Swift Strike, Heavy Stroke, Hail of Stones, and Goblin-Cleaver just to name a few.

Lore is the other main sphere with direct damage effects. Argalad similar to Bilbo can deal 1 damage to an enemy in the staging area provided he has enough attack power to reduce their threat to 0. Expecting Mischief is very similar to Thalin since it triggers to deal 2 damage when an enemy is revealed. There are also a couple thematically tied to the Ithilien Rangers like the trap, Poisoned Stakes. It unfortunately deals 2 damage at the end of the round. Arrows from the Trees also can deal damage to enemies in the staging area and more when Tactics resources are spent, but the players have to avoid engaging any enemies. Both given the timing and needing or better to avoid engagement don’t work that well with the hunter to eliminate orcs before having to defend any attacks.

Dwarf Tribal

Leadership Dain, the first tribal lord type card for LOTR LCG does a lot for all Dwarf allies. The attack boost is the most useful with the hunger to get him up a respectable 3 attack for 4 resources. Erebor Record Keeper for a Lore resource can either help make sure the slayer has the bonus or make use of it twice in a round. Legacy of Durin when the players play the slayer from hand will draw them a card.

Quest Specific

The first 2 cycles and The Hobbit Saga offer many opportunities for the slayer to shine. Orc enemy swarms were featured quite a bit. Into the Pit and the second half of Over the Misty Mountains Grim in particular feature many low hit point orcs.

Intruders in Chetwood, Dungeson of Cirith Gurat, The Uruk-Hai, and Helm’s Deep are all ones to avoid using the Longbeard Orc Slayer in. Intruders in Chetwood enemies can’t be damaged while Orc War Party is in play. The quest starts with one in play and there are 2 others in the encounter deck. More often than not, enemies won’t be able to take direct damage. Dungeons of Cirith Gurat during the second stage when the players have to avoid engaging enemies for 2 turns, the slayer weakening them would be quite beneficial except they’re all immune to damage. The Uruk-Hai and Helm’s Deep many of the enemies have the toughness X keyword that cancels the first X damage any time damage is dealt to them. The slayer damage then will just get canceled every time it is used against them.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Longbeard Orc Slayer at 7 rings. There are a lot of orc enemies in the game. A player isn’t going face several at one time in true solo all that often. It is better in multiplayer when there will likely be more orcs in play and deal several points of damage. The hit point creep as the game develop made that 1 point of damage to each enemy less effective. The game also saw more enemy traits introduced with undead, werewolves, Harad, and more. Those early quests the slayer was a pretty useful toolbox ally for swarm quests. The high cost is also a barrier to play. Especially as more cost efficient allies like Treebeard and Legolas ally were introduced. The cost can be mitigated by put in play effects which work great with the enter play effect. Still a really strong ally that is intended to stick around will do more for a player than a one time blast of global damage.

  • Dave – 9
  • Grant – 8
  • Ted – TBR
  • Matt – 7
  • Average – 8

External Links

Sample Decks

Dwarf Rules, Thorin age / Hobbit Saga by LOIS

Thematic dwarf deck, using only dwarves allies and Gandalf and cards up to dwarrofelf cycle + Hobbit Saga

Dwarf Rules, Thorin age / Hobbit Saga

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Dáin Ironfoot (Return to Mirkwood)
Ori (Over Hill and Under Hill)
Thorin Oakenshield (Over Hill and Under Hill)

Ally (26)
2x Bifur (On the Doorstep)
2x Bofur (The Redhorn Gate)
2x Dori (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Dwalin (On the Doorstep)
2x Erebor Battle Master (The Long Dark)
2x Erebor Hammersmith (Core Set)
3x Erebor Record Keeper (Khazad-dûm)
2x Fili (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
2x Glóin (On the Doorstep)
2x Kili (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Longbeard Orc Slayer (Core Set)

Attachment (10)
1x Cram (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Dwarrowdelf Axe (Khazad-dûm)
2x King Under the Mountain (On the Doorstep)
3x Narvi’s Belt (Khazad-dûm)
2x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)

Event (14)
2x A Very Good Tale (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Durin’s Song (Khazad-dûm)
1x Ever Onward (Khazad-dûm)
2x Lure of Moria (Road to Rivendell)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
2x The Galadhrim’s Greeting (Core Set)
2x To me! O my kinsfolk! (On the Doorstep)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to On the Doorstep

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

I’ll Damage You Directly by Durin’s Father

Thematic dwarf deck, using only dwarves allies and Gandalf and cards up to dwarrofelf cycle + Hobbit Saga

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Dáin Ironfoot (Return to Mirkwood)
Éomer (The Voice of Isengard)
Thalin (Core Set)

Ally (18)
1x Azain Silverbeard (Flight of the Stormcaller)
2x Descendant of Thorondor (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
3x Errand-rider (Heirs of Númenor)
2x Farmer Maggot (The Black Riders)
2x Galadhon Archer (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
2x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Gondorian Spearman (Core Set)
3x Longbeard Orc Slayer (Core Set)

Attachment (24)
3x Cram (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Dúnedain Mark (The Hunt for Gollum)
2x Dúnedain Quest (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
2x Dwarrowdelf Axe (Khazad-dûm)
2x Firefoot (The Dunland Trap)
1x Hardy Leadership (Shadow and Flame)
1x King Under the Mountain (On the Doorstep)
2x Mighty Prowess (The Drúadan Forest)
2x Rohan Warhorse (The Voice of Isengard)
1x Song of Battle (The Dead Marshes)
1x Song of Kings (The Hunt for Gollum)
3x Spear of the Citadel (Heirs of Númenor)
2x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)

Event (9)
2x A Very Good Tale (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Feint (Core Set)
2x Parting Gifts (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)

Player Side Quest (1)
1x Send for Aid (The Treachery of Rhudaur)

3 Heroes, 52 Cards
Cards up to Flight of the Stormcaller


Ally (2)
2x Beorning Beekeeper (Conflict at the Carrock)

Attachment (1)
1x Song of Kings (The Hunt for Gollum)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Miner of the Iron Hills

  • Player Card Categories
    • Condition Control
    • Enters Play

A cheap ally with a powerful yet situational ability


The Iron Hills originally was a mining outpost for the Longbeards of Khazad-dum. After the arrival of Durin’s Bane in Moria Some survivors of settled in the Iron Hills. Most notably in the books, the Iron Hills is the home of Dain Ironfoot, cousin of Thorin Oakenshield. Dain brought a host of Dwarves from the Iron Hills after Throin’s Company retook Erebor. Then Dain and his host fought in The Battle of Five Armies. Dain would survive to become King Under the Mountain after his cousin died of his wounds after the battle.

Card Theme

I’m sure some of the Dwarves Dain brought to The Battle of the Five Armies were normally miners. It makes sense then that a miner would have attack as their primary stat. Plus those Dwarven miners might have to defend their mines from orcs or goblins. How the condition removal ties into the theme is a mystery to me. Particularly with most of the later condition removal cards like Athelas, Elrond ally, and Power of Orthanc have some healing or magic theme going.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Leadership Dain Ironfoot Hero and Dwarf Swarm

A 2 cost ally becoming a 2 attack ally whenever Dain is ready is pretty good value. Miner of the Iron Hills can help fill out a Dwarf Swarm. It is cheaper than many other Dwarves that often cost 3. It is also the same sphere as Ori hero and Legacy of Durin that help pump out Dwarves with their excellent card draw.

Put Into Play

There are a few actions that can put an ally into play at any action window. Sneak Attack, Reinforcements, Horns! Horns! Horns!, and To me! O my kinsfolk! work great with Miner of the Iron Hills to remove more than 1 condition because he will return to hand or the deck after. Additionally, they can be used to put him into play after staging to almost immediately remove a condition. Timely Aid and Stand and Fight still can get Miner into play at an action window after staging, but the Miner won’t go back to hand or the deck to play again later. Stand and Fight and To me! O my kinsfolk! brining Miner from the discard means he can chump block and then come back to remove a condition.

Quest Specific

There are several quests in the game that can give players a Condition attachment. This is not an exhaustive list, but it should give a good idea how prevalent Condition attachments are.

Shadows of Mirkwood

Caught in a Web is the main one from the Core Set that makes an appearance in Passage Through Mirkwood, Escape from Dol Guldur, A Journey to Rhosgobel, and Return to Mirkwood. It is such a problem because either the player bascially loses a hero extra resources from Steward of Gondor. Iron Shackles in Escape from Dol Guldur are usually a minor annoyance that only costs the opportunity to draw 1 card. Conflict at the Carrock features Sacked! which like Caught in a Web basically takes out a hero and is very worthwhile to get rid of.


Watchful Eyes is a condition that Miner will have many opportunities to remove as it is in Into the Pit, The Seventh Level, and Foundations of Stone. It also has the chance to reveal more encounter cards if the attached hero is used during the round. It can be played around sometimes but then the player is basically down a hero. Shadow of Fear from Flight from Moria also can incapacitate a hero but at least can be bought off, but the Miner’s 2 cost is cheaper. Removing Gathering Ground in The Long Dark can help avoid an enemy swarm. Couter-Spell is a nasty anti-A Test of Will condition which is very troublesome in avoiding the fiery whip and sword of Durin’s Bane in Shadow and Flame.


The Fords of Isen and The Antlered Crown both feature Old Hatreds and Wild Men of Dunland that aren’t the hero incapacitating effects seen in Shadows of Mirkwood or Darrowdelf but they can trigger multiple times if not removed. The Dunland Trap is where the Miner can really shine with Wild Men of Dunland, Off Track, In Need of Rest and Dunlending Ambush all as potential targets. The Nin-in-Eliph uses Off Track and In Need of Rest both of which are very problematic because they synergize to kill heroes. Losing time counters faster also switches quest stages more often causing players to lose progress on them.

Angmar Awakened

Angmar has more potential condition attachments in the cycle than the previous ones with 6. Most like Heavy Curse are less severe than earlier cycles as well. They either just slow the players down or only partially incapacitate heroes. Miner can still offer some good value given the number of targets available.

Ered Mithren

This cycle has a few doozies for condition attachments. Frenzied Creature will not only pull out a tough enemy from a Core Set encounter set but buff it and make it immune to player card effects. Fortunately Frenzied Creature is not be immune. Weighed Down is a killer for Three Hunters, Dale and other attachment focused decks. Then Dragon Breath and Dragon Scales make appearances in the each of the dragon fights. While each can be removed without Miner, but at the cost of mass direct damage or lost damage on the dragon bosses.


The Saga much like the early cycle has a number of conditions aimed at taking out heroes. The most infamous Fallen into Evil and Heavy and Tired that can make a hero turn to the shadow.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Miner of the Iron Hills at 6 rings. He has a pretty niche use that has declined in importance as the game has developed. Additionally, the really terrible condition attachments could always be avoided with A Test of Will instead. Still if they weren’t avoided the Miner could mitigate the damage. There are some other condition removal cards, but the miner is at least good for a chump block afterwards. He also can serve as filler for a Dwarf deck. It has it uses, but it is only situationally good.

  • Dave – 5
  • Grant – 3
  • Ted – TBR
  • Matt – 6
  • Average – 4.67

External Links

Sample Decks

Ents in the Swamp by kattattack22

Ent ally deck build for Nin-in-Eilph.

A variation on Super Hasty Ents for Nin-in-Eilph. Mainly took out item attachments and added some additional allies for the quest.

Added Miner of the Iron Hills for In Need of Rest condition attachment and chump.

Added Errand Rider for resource smoothing and potential chump blocking.

Added Snowbourn Scout mainly to chump but location progress should also be useful.

Boomed and Trumpeted added for the beefy enemies in the quest.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Faramir (The Land of Shadow)
Merry (The Black Riders)
Pippin (The Black Riders)

Ally (31)
1x Beechbone (The Battle of Carn Dûm)
3x Booming Ent (The Antlered Crown)
3x Derndingle Warrior (Escape from Mount Gram)
3x Errand-rider (Heirs of Númenor)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Miner of the Iron Hills (Core Set)
2x Quickbeam (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Skinbark (The Land of Shadow)
3x Snowbourn Scout (Core Set)
3x Treebeard (The Antlered Crown)
3x Wandering Ent (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
3x Wellinghall Preserver (Across the Ettenmoors)

Attachment (4)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Wingfoot (The Nîn-in-Eilph)

Event (15)
3x A Good Harvest (The Steward’s Fear)
3x Boomed and Trumpeted (Escape from Mount Gram)
3x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Entmoot (The Treason of Saruman)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Land of Shadow


Attachment (3)
3x Favor of the Valar (The Battle of Carn Dûm)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Dwarf – Superior by Grant Thompson

Grant’s take on Dwarf Swarm with Miner of the Iron Hills.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Dáin Ironfoot (Return to Mirkwood)
Nori (Over Hill and Under Hill)
Thorin Oakenshield (Over Hill and Under Hill)

Ally (26)
1x Bifur (On the Doorstep)
1x Bofur (The Redhorn Gate)
1x Dwalin (On the Doorstep)
2x Dwarven Sellsword (The Drowned Ruins)
3x Erebor Battle Master (The Long Dark)
2x Erebor Hammersmith (Core Set)
2x Erebor Record Keeper (Khazad-dûm)
1x Fili (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
1x Gimli (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Glóin (On the Doorstep)
1x Kili (Over Hill and Under Hill)
2x Miner of the Iron Hills (Core Set)
3x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)
2x Zigil Miner (Khazad-dûm)

Attachment (21)
2x A Burning Brand (Conflict at the Carrock)
2x Dúnedain Warning (Conflict at the Carrock)
2x Dwarven Shield (The Sands of Harad)
2x Hardy Leadership (Shadow and Flame)
2x King Under the Mountain (On the Doorstep)
1x Legacy of Durin (The Watcher in the Water)
2x Narvi’s Belt (Khazad-dûm)
2x Song of Wisdom (Conflict at the Carrock)
2x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Sword-thain (The Dread Realm)
3x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)

Event (14)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
2x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
2x Lure of Moria (Road to Rivendell)
2x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
3x The Galadhrim’s Greeting (Core Set)
2x Will of the West (Core Set)

Player Side Quest (3)
1x Double Back (Escape from Mount Gram)
1x Gather Information (The Lost Realm)
1x Send for Aid (The Treachery of Rhudaur)

3 Heroes, 64 Cards
Cards up to The Sands of Harad


Attachment (3)
3x Ever My Heart Rises (The Long Dark)

Event (9)
3x Ancestral Knowledge (Khazad-dûm)
3x Heavy Stroke (Foundations of Stone)
3x Khazâd! Khazâd! (Khazad-dûm)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Son of Arnor

  • Card Talk Season 6 Episode 13
    • Video episode
    • Audio episode
  • Cycle
    • Shadows of Mirkwood
  • Set
    • Core and Revised Core Sets
  • Player Card Categories
    • Engagement Control
    • Staging Area Control
    • Enters Play

Looking for trouble


Son of Arnor as implied by the name is a descendent from the people of Gondor’s sister kingdom, Arnor. After the death of its last king, Arnor split into three smaller kingdoms, Cardolan, Arthedain, and Rhudar. The people of these successor kingdoms dwindled after wars with Angmar and a plague until only scattered settlements and wandering bands remained. It is from these descendents that the Rangers of the North and Aragorn come from.

The flavor text is an excerpt when Elrond is telling everyone The One Ring’s history. It is just a brief mention of Elendil, Isildur, and Anarion coming out of the sea to found Gondor and Arnor.

Card Theme

The card’s mechanism here to engage an enemy fits with what the Rangers of the North did during the Watchful Peace. During that time they fought many minor battles with orcs and goblins to keep the lands of Eriador safe. This to the people of Bree it just appeared that the Rangers were just wandering East and South telling tales of older times. In reality they were going where there was trouble. In this case the Son of Arnor is kinda bringing trouble to him but considering that enemy engages a player and player engages an enemy are considered the same in game it still works.

Card Synergies and Interactions


One of the core set combos is Son of Arnor and Forest Snare. The downside to Forest Snare as a trap is that typically a player has to defend the enemy once before they can play Forest Snare during planning. Son of Arnor fixes that by engaging the enemy during the Planning phase. It also works really well with the 2 Tactics traps because they attach when an enemy is engaged. The player can basically pick any enemy in play to trap even those engaged with other players.

Engagement Bonus

Angmar Awakended introduced more Dunedain themed cards that benefit from having enemies engaged. Halbarad and Amarthuil heroes gain additional abilities when engaged with an enemy. There is a set of allies that have effects that scale with the number of engaged enemies and getting another to boost their stats or draw another card from Sarn Ford Sentry is nice. There are also some support cards that scale to engaged enemies as well to provide resource acceleration and readying. Star Brooch like the heroes just needs an enemy engaged for its stat boost. Steed of the North triggers on enemy engagement that is similar to most of the other engagement bonuses.

Mablung hero and Leadership Faramir hero have resource acceleration and readying that trigger on engagement. It is a little odd they have these abilities considering Gondor doesn’t have more like them.

Hobbits also have many abilities that can trigger for engaging or being engaged with an enemy although a little more conditionally. The enemy has to have higher engagement cost. Son of Arnor is useful to engage an enemy with higher threat besides just optionally engaging one. Especially if Son of Arnor is put into play outside the planning phase.

Put into Play

There are a few actions that can put an ally into play at any action window. Sneak Attack, Reinforcements, and Horns! Horns! Horns! work great with allies that have enter play effects like Son to trigger their effect and then go back to hand or deck to trigger the ability again later. Timely Aid and Stand and Fight still can get Son of Arnor into play at an action window like after staging but before quest resolution to remove staging area threat, but won’t go back to hand to play again later.

Quest Specific

The Shadows of Mirkwood featured the Goblin Sniper that could only be engaged if it was the only enemy in the staging area. This could lead to the dreaded double Goblin Sniper situation where neither can be engaged optionally. This left only Son of Arnor and reaching 48 threat as a solution early on in the game’s life.

A Knife in the Dark has Bill Ferny start the game in the staging area where he will add Ringwraiths to the encounter deck or raise the players’ threat. Any way to engage and get rid of him sooner than later helps the players significantly in this quest.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Son of Arnor at 7 rings. His biggest drawback is the 3 cost. It is expensive for just a 2 attack ally. He is in Leadership which helps mitigate it a little bit. The ability can be useful, but there are many alternatives now in the full card pool like Mablung ally, Westfold Outrider, Tireless Hunters, and Tactics Aragorn. It has a role to play that can be helpful to a couple different deck types and useful tech in a few quests.

  • Dave – 8
  • Grant – 6
  • Ted – 5
  • Matt – 7
  • Average – 6. 5

External Links

Sample Decks

Battle deck for Three Trials Minimum Purchase by kattattack22

Part of minimum purchase 2 deck fellowship to beat The Three Trials.

Battle deck for Three Trials Minimum Purchase

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Aragorn (Core Set)
Legolas (Core Set)
Théodred (Core Set)

Ally (33)
1x Beorn (Core Set)
1x Faramir (Core Set)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Gondorian Spearman (Core Set)
3x Guard of the Citadel (Core Set)
2x Horseback Archer (Core Set)
3x Orthanc Guard (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Rivendell Scout (The Three Trials)
1x Rúmil (The Three Trials)
2x Silverlode Archer (Core Set)
3x Snowbourn Scout (Core Set)
2x Son of Arnor (Core Set)
3x Veteran Axehand (Core Set)
3x Westfold Outrider (The Voice of Isengard)

Attachment (6)
1x Celebrían’s Stone (Core Set)
2x Dwarven Axe (Core Set)
1x Horn of Gondor (Core Set)
2x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)

Event (11)
2x Feint (Core Set)
2x Legacy of Númenor (The Voice of Isengard)
2x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
3x The Wizards’s Voice (The Voice of Isengard)
2x Valiant Sacrifice (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Three Trials

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Sarn Ford Sentry

Alternate Art

  • Card Talk Season 6 Episode 1
  • Cycle
    • Angmar Awakened
  • Set
    • The Lost Realm
  • Player Card Categories
    • Card Draw
    • Enters Play

The card draw Dunedain ally


Sarn Ford Sentry is one of the Rangers of the North with the Dunedain and Ranger traits. The Rangers of the North are the descended from the people of Gondor’s sister kingdom, Arnor. Arnor split into three smaller kingdoms, Cardolan, Arthedain, and Rhudar. The people of these successor kingdoms dwindled after wars with Angmar and a plague until only scattered settlements and wandering bands remained.

There are not many Dunedain in the LOTR books besides Aragorn. Halbarad is the only other named one that in The Passing of the Grey Company arrives with 30 of his kinsmen to support Aragorn. Sarn Ford Sentry comes from one of appendices. There it is reported that the Rangers of the North defended the Sarn Ford at the southern border of the Shire. The Ringwraiths, however, forced the sentries away from their post when they came to the Shire looking for The One Ring.

Card Theme

This game often represents knowledge as card draw. The Lore sphere in particular is full of examples cards representing Middle-Earth’s knowledge, stories, and songs with Gleowine, Daeron’s Runes, Deep Knowledge, Erestor, Drinking Song, and Mithrandir’s Advice representing the knowledge, stories, and songs present in Middle Earth. The knowledge in this case is very specific but fits well with the Dunedain getting effects for engaging enemies. The Sarn Ford sentries engaged the Ringwraiths learning the Nine were abroad.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Early Engagement Effects

Much like Halbarad hero, there can be a timing mismatch between playing the sentry and engaging enemies later in the round. Especially if enemies have abilities like Goblin Sniper that prevent engagement or the player just didn’t want to defend so many enemies. Mablung ally, Son of Arnor, Dunedain Hunter, Lore Faramir ally, and Westfold Outrider can all help increase the card draw effect without having to defend the enemy first. Dunedain Hunter can also help in situations where many enemies are not being revealed or in a true solo game.


Specifically, Forest Snare and Entangling Nets synergize very well with the sentry and are in sphere. Forest Snare allows a player to just keep an enemy engaged for the entire game without having to worry about defending or any shadows. Entangling Nets is similar because of the attack reduction making defending easier. The action disadvantage of defending can be offset with Outmatched or just taking the attack undefended. Shadows effects can still be an issue with it in some scenarios.

Gloin hero

Gloin can be an interesting way to increase the card draw effect. Song of Wisdom or Narvi’s Belt or a Warden of Healing make it that Gloin can heal all damage done to him quite easily. Some hit point bonuses from attachments like Citadel Plate, and he can take undefended attacks even from boss level enemies. Provided shadow effects don’t discard attachments, it can be quite easy to keep several enemies engaged without much trouble. The Sarn Ford Sentry can help find those attachments for Gloin or more allies to quest through the rest of the scenario.

Attack Cancellation

Attack cancelation effects like Coney in a Trap, Andrath Guardsman, Feint, Thicket of Spears, The Wizard’s Voice, and Out of Sight can help increase the card draw and reduce the risk of the engaged enemies. Granted, it is just temporary. Hobbit decks have a couple additional options available through Gaffer Gamgee and Hobbit-sense although it prevents the player from attacking as well.

Quest Specific

The Angmar Awakened cycle features quite a few scenarios that can swarm enemies powering up the sentry’s card draw. Especially any with the Cursed Dead enemy as each one can bring any and all copies in the discard pile back to the staging area and engage the player again. The Seventh Level, second half of Over the Misty Mountains Grim, and Fate of the Wilderland also bring out many enemies quickly.

There are a few scenarios that it would be better to leave Sarn Ford Sentry out because of the card draw. The players lose in Deadman’s Dike and Under the Ash Mountains if their deck runs out of cards and it is best to leave out card draw. The Ringmaker cycle is full of encounter cards that penalize players for cards in hand or drawing cards.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Sarn Ford Sentry at 6 rings. Lore allies with 2 willpower tend to cost 3 resources unless they are unique or have a drawback like Wandering Ent that enters play exhausted or Lindon Navigator that is discarded or the player has to discard a card from hand. It is pretty average in that regard. It’s ability is pretty general purpose. Card draw is pretty fundamental to helping decks find what they need to succeed. It is the condition that can make it difficult to trigger and more so to draw multiple cards from. Lore however has many, many options to draw cards for lower cost both in resources and opportunity. Still the card is very much needed in Dunedain decks for the willpower and card draw. Sarn Ford Sentry sees some play in decks with Hobbit heroes due to their additional attack cancelation options and similar bonuses for engaging enemies. Mono Lore decks won’t need the additional card draw but 2 willpower for 3 and possibly drawing a card can be decent filler. It is a fine card but the condition on the card draw keeps it to a few different decks rather than a generally good always under consideration for inclusion.

  • Dave – 8
  • Grant – TBR
  • Ted – 7
  • Matt – 6
  • Average – 7

External Links

Sample Decks

Dunedain Ambush the Orcs in the Weather Hills by kattattack22

Solo Dunedain deck mixing engagement and side quest bonus. It also utilizes Send for Aid, A Very Good Tale, and Elf-Stone to pump out allies quickly.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Aragorn (The Watcher in the Water)
Halbarad (The Lost Realm)
Thurindir (Race Across Harad)

Ally (25)
3x East Road Ranger (The Wastes of Eriador)
2x Faramir (Core Set)
3x Guardian of Arnor (The Battle of Carn Dûm)
3x Ranger of Cardolan (The Wastes of Eriador)
3x Sarn Ford Sentry (The Lost Realm)
2x Thalion (Fire in the Night)
3x Vigilant Dúnadan (The Sands of Harad)
3x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)
3x Weather Hills Watchman (The Lost Realm)

Attachment (12)
3x Elf-stone (The Black Riders)
3x Forest Snare (Core Set)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
3x Sword that was Broken (The Watcher in the Water)

Event (12)
3x A Very Good Tale (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Deep Knowledge (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Horns! Horns! Horns! (Challenge of the Wainriders)
3x Legacy of Númenor (The Voice of Isengard)

Player Side Quest (1)
1x Send for Aid (The Treachery of Rhudaur)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to Challenge of the Wainriders

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

The Hobbit-Stroke by teamjimby

Hobbit heroes want to engage all enemies and cancel attacks with Hobbit-sense and Out of Sight.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Frodo Baggins (Conflict at the Carrock)
Merry (The Wastes of Eriador)
Pippin (The Black Riders)

Ally (11)
2x Celduin Traveler (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
3x Northern Tracker (Core Set)
3x Sarn Ford Sentry (The Lost Realm)
3x Warden of Annúminas (The Lost Realm)

Attachment (9)
3x Fast Hitch (The Dead Marshes)
3x Leaf Brooch (The Three Trials)
3x Resourceful (The Watcher in the Water)

Event (30)
3x A Good Harvest (The Steward’s Fear)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
2x Dwarven Tomb (Core Set)
3x Hobbit-sense (Encounter at Amon Dîn)
3x Out of Sight (The Long Dark)
3x Out of the Wild (Road to Rivendell)
3x Peace, and Thought (Shadow and Flame)
3x The Galadhrim’s Greeting (Core Set)
3x The Hammer-stroke (The Blood of Gondor)
1x Will of the West (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Wastes of Eriador

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Host of Galadhrim

  • Card Talk Season 5 Episode 55
    • Video episode
    • Audio episode
  • Cycle
    • Vengeance of Mordor
  • Sets
    • The City of Ulfast
    • Elves of Lorien starter deck
  • Player Card Effects
    • Enters Play

A combo-tastic card for Silvan decks!


Galadhrim is the term of the elves dwelling in Lothlorien. The Host of Galadhrim in the books would defend Lorien against the orcs invasions. After Sauron’s defeat they attack Dol Guldur to drive out the remaining forces there.

Card Theme

The Silvan archetype centers around their hit and run tactics. This is why many of the ally cards feature enter play effects. The supporting events return a Silvan ally to hand to be replayed later. Host of Galadhrim basically does this en masse with returning all of them to hand and replaying them all in one go. It is very fitting to represent the show of force when they all would come together to attack considering all their enters play effects will trigger.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Silvan Allies

The big two Silvan allies for Host of Galadhrim are Galadhrim Weaver and Galadhrim Minstrel. These two are key to decks that look to replay Host of Galadhrim over and over again. Players will need at least 1 weaver, 2 Hosts (one of which is in the discard), and 1 minstrel. It works best with an empty deck. Player plays Host of Galadhrim to replay weaver shuffling the Host of Galadhrim in the discard back into the deck. Then replay Galadhrim Minstrel to find that shuffled in Host again in the top 5 cards. More copies of the weaver and minstrel can lead to recurring 2 other events every turn like Legacy of Numenor to pay for Hosts every turn or Feigned Voices to cancel attacks.

The other Silvan allies that are good to replay provide a variety of effects.

Celeborn and Galadriel Heroes

Celeborn will boost the stats of each ally repalyed by Host of Galadhrim. Galadriel will give them all action advantage to leverage the +1 willpower and the +1 to the combat stats. It functions very much like a global ready effect like Grim Resolve after questing. Very effective when flooded with enemies to have all allies ready for combat. The increased willpower and not exhausting to quest also make this combination with Silvan allies great for a very powerful quest push. If there is ever a quest stage that a player needs to get through quickly, or just wants to race to the finish then that is the time to play Host with these two.

Lord of Morthond

Lord of Morthond can generate significant card draw from Host of Galadhrim. Host doesn’t require a resource match to replay the allies since they are played for no cost. Leadership has several options to play non-Leadership allies the first time. Thranduil hero allows players to play Silvan allies outside the Leadership sphere. Mustering effects like Timely Aid and A Very Good Tale can also help a mono Leadership line up put non-Leadership allies into play. A Good Harvest and the sphere granting songs are possibilities as well. Although this can easily become a win more situation since Host of Galadhrim is usually a late game card to play once several allies are in play already.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Host of Galadhrim at 4 rings. Getting several enter play effects can be very powerful. Combined with Galadriel and Celeborn to boost all the allies and have them quest without exhausting makes for a very strong turn. It is the kind of bomb event effect that should be expected from a 4 cost card that generally doesn’t usually hit the mark in this game. This one does it however in spades. It is not that hard to play it more than 3 times in a game considering it combos with Galadhrim Weaver.

There are only a couple limitations to this card that keep me from rating it more highly. It only really goes in one kind of deck and that is Silvans. It’s effectiveness is all centered around having several of them to replay making it a niche card. It is also a late game card due to its cost and the aforementioned need of allies on the board to replay. It’s possible to draw it too early when it is not that helpful but that is just a minor annoyance.

Overall, this card when played well is powerful. Turn the game around powerful. When abused with Galadriel, Celeborn, weavers, Legacy of Numenor, and minstrels it will steam roll quests that don’t have any effects that discard cards from a player’s hand.

  • Dave – 3
  • Grant – TBR
  • Ted – 5
  • Matt – 4
  • Average – 4

External Links

Sample Decks

Hosts Of Galadhrim (A Silvan Combo Deck) by The Mormegil

Deck that endlessly recurs Host of Galadhrim.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Bifur (Khazad-dûm)
Celeborn (The Dunland Trap)
Galadriel (Celebrimbor’s Secret)

Ally (15)
1x Galadhrim Healer (The Dread Realm)
3x Galadhrim Minstrel (Trouble in Tharbad)
3x Galadhrim Weaver (The Treachery of Rhudaur)
3x Galadriel’s Handmaiden (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
1x Galion (Fire in the Night)
1x Haldir of Lórien (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
1x Henamarth Riversong (Core Set)
1x Orophin (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
1x Woodland Courier (The Drowned Ruins)

Attachment (5)
2x O Lórien! (Trouble in Tharbad)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)

Event (30)
2x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Deep Knowledge (The Voice of Isengard)
2x Feigned Voices (The Three Trials)
3x Host of Galadhrim (The City of Ulfast)
3x Legacy of Númenor (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Peace, and Thought (Shadow and Flame)
2x The Seeing-stone (The Voice of Isengard)
3x The Tree People (The Dunland Trap)
3x Unlikely Friendship (The Sands of Harad)
3x We Are Not Idle (Shadow and Flame)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The City of Ulfast


Hero (4)
Aragorn (The Watcher in the Water)
Folco Boffin (The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat)
Gríma (The Voice of Isengard)
Pippin (The Black Riders)

Contract (1)
1x Messenger of the King (The Land of Sorrow)

Ally (6)
1x Bombur (Road to Rivendell)
1x Defender of the Naith (Trouble in Tharbad)
1x Greenwood Archer (The Sands of Harad)
1x Naith Guide (The Dunland Trap)
1x Robin Smallburrow (The Drowned Ruins)
1x Silvan Tracker (The Dead Marshes)

Attachment (3)
1x Keys of Orthanc (The Voice of Isengard)
1x The Elvenking (Fire in the Night)
1x The One Ring (A Shadow in the East)

Event (16)
1x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x A Very Good Tale (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Desperate Alliance (On the Doorstep)
3x Drinking Song (Mount Gundabad)
1x Feigned Voices (The Three Trials)
2x Quicker Than Sight (Fire in the Night)
1x The Master Ring (A Shadow in the East)
1x The Seeing-stone (The Voice of Isengard)
1x The White Council (The Dunland Trap)

Player Side Quest (1)
1x Double Back (Escape from Mount Gram)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Silvan Lord of Morthond by MrSpaceBear

Draw extra card by replaying non-Leadership allies with Host of Galadhrim.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
(MotK) Faramir (Messenger of the King Allies)
Celeborn (The Dunland Trap)
Thranduil (Fire in the Night)

Ally (20)
1x Galadhon Archer (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
1x Galadhrim Healer (The Dread Realm)
2x Galadhrim Minstrel (Trouble in Tharbad)
1x Galadhrim Weaver (The Treachery of Rhudaur)
1x Galadriel’s Handmaiden (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
1x Galion (Fire in the Night)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Greenwood Archer (The Sands of Harad)
1x Legolas (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Marksman of Lórien (The Drowned Ruins)
1x Naith Guide (The Dunland Trap)
1x Orophin (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
1x Rúmil (The Three Trials)
1x Silvan Tracker (The Dead Marshes)
1x Woodland Courier (The Drowned Ruins)

Attachment (13)
1x Ancestral Armor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
3x Lord of Morthond (Encounter at Amon Dîn)
2x O Lórien! (Trouble in Tharbad)
1x Shining Shield (The Fortress of Nurn)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
3x The Elvenking (Fire in the Night)

Event (17)
2x Captain’s Wisdom (The Thing in the Depths)
1x Elf Guide (Mount Gundabad)
3x Feigned Voices (The Three Trials)
3x Host of Galadhrim (The City of Ulfast)
3x Reinforcements (The Treachery of Rhudaur)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
2x Strength of Arms (The Drúadan Forest)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Fortress of Nurn

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Dunedain Hunter

  • Player Card Categories
    • Encounter Control
    • Enters Play
    • Engagement Control

A great way to kick start the Dunedain engagement bonuses.


Dunedain Hunter is one of the Rangers of the North with the Dunedain and Ranger traits. The Rangers of the North are the descended from the people of Gondor’s sister kingdom, Arnor. Arnor split into three smaller kingdoms, Cardolan, Arthedain, and Rhudar. The people of these successor kingdoms dwindled after wars with Angmar and a plague until only scattered settlements and wandering bands remained.

There are not many Dunedain in the LOTR books besides Aragorn. Halbarad is the only other named one that in The Passing of the Grey Company arrives with 30 of his kinsmen to support Aragorn. Dunedain Hunters gives the game another way to represent members of the Grey Company.

Card Theme

The card’s mechanism here to get a free ally for engaging an enemy is pretty reflective of the Rangers during the Watchful Peace. During that time they fought many minor battles with orcs and goblins to keep the lands of Eriador safe. This to the people of Bree it just appeared that the Rangers were just wandering East and South telling tales of older times. In reality they were going where there was trouble. Also it fits with how Aragorn comes to join Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin in Bree. He only shows up when the enemies are near joins them to guide and protect them on their journey to Rivendell.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Engagement Bonus Dunedain

These are the cards Dunedain Hunter was designed to facilitate. Dunedain Hunter’s cost of putting an enemy into pay transforms into an immediate benefit with these cards in play. Amarthuil can immediately gain his Tactics sphere during planning and be halfway to generating an additional resource a turn. Halbarad can quest without exhausting. Any Dunedain or Noldor hero with Star Brooch, Warden of Annuminas, Fornost Bowman, and Guardian of Arnor all get a stat boost. Sarn Ford Sentry, Heir of Valandil, and Descendants of Kings provide more utility centered abilities for that enemy engagement with card draw, cost reduction, and readying.

Vengeance of Mordor also gave the Dunedain engagement bonus archetype a couple of other allies. These it is more a restriction but one could argue the bonus for engaging an enemy is a cost reduction. Normally allies with 2 willpower in Spirit and 2 attack in Tactics cost at least 2 resources. These only cost 1 which is helpful considering Dunedain are spread out among the 4 spheres. Dunedian Hunter helps makes these playable on the first turn.

Mablung Hero

Mablung hero also can be considered an engagement bonus effect. Dunedain Hunter is one of the few ways to trigger his resource acceleration twice in a turn since it is limit once per phase.

Hobbits Engage an Enemy with Higher Engagement than a Player’s Threat

Similar to Duendain, Hobbits can get bonuses for engaging enemies although there is another condition to it. They have to engage an enemy with higher engagement cost than their threat to get the bonus. Still it can be worthwhile to search the 5 encounter cards for the right enemy to engage. Also getting the bonus during planning is advantageous when playing Tom Cotton, Odo Proudfoot, and/or Raise the Shire. This can ensure that the first Hobbit ally doesn’t need a resource match and Odo or Raise the Shire can find one to play in a subsequent round. Raise the Shire during planning also opens up finding a questing ally for the round like Bywater Shirriff that will also get additional willpower for having the enemy around.


Normally the downside to Forest Snare is a player has to defend an attack from the enemy first. Dunedain Hunter provides another way besides Son or Arnor to attach it to an enemy without defending first. It’s truly an advantage since Dunedain Hunter is putting an additional encounter card into play than normally would be. This really equates to a cost reduction for Dunedain Hunter. Dunedain Hunter most likely would be 4 resource cost considering he has the exact same stats as Legolas ally. Legolas is also unique but he has an amazing ability that the Hunter doesn’t so it still balances out. The cost reduction can be even more with Damrod hero since the first trap played each turn costs 1 less and a player will draw a new card for attaching a trap.

The trap that is best played with the hunter is Followed. Followed can reduce staging area threat by the threat of the attached enemy but player’s are at the mercy of the encounter deck revealing a high treat enemy once it is out. Unless a player waits until they see one and can maintain a low threat to choose. Dunedain Hunter can give the players more control and options for this trap since it is a choice from the top 5 of the encounter deck. Best of all it goes right to being engaged with the player avoiding any possible engagement mishaps in a multiplayer game. Outmatched can also be used in conjunction especially if the player pulls out a weak enemy (especially with surge) they want to just keep engaged turn after turn.

Attack Cancellation

Feint, Thicket of Spears, and The Wizard’s Voice are solid alternatives to deal with the enemy put into play by Dunedain Hunter. This is because if played early, an additional enemy can be too much for a deck to handle. Canceling the attack avoids the situation where the hunter might have to chump to the enemy it brought in. It also lets the player bring that 3 attack to bear and hopefully get rid of that enemy right away.

Quest Specific

One of the best things about Dunedain Hunter’s cost is that it puts the enemy into play. This doesn’t reveal the enemy which means When Revealed effects and Surge do not trigger. In quests with many weaker surging enemies like The Seventh Level it can be very handy to pull out one. Many of the Angmar Awakened quests feature the Cursed Dead that when revealed return all Cursed Dead from the encounter discard pile to play.

The risk of the hunter’s cost, however, is twofold.

  1. Not finding an enemy
  2. Finding a very strong enemy

The first one can be mitigated by looking at the enemy breakdown in a quest. A couple notable quests that are light on enemies are Hills of Emyn Muil and We Must Away ‘Ere Break of Day. Hills of Emyn Muil was the game’s early location focused quest. We Must Away ‘Ere Break of Day is Thorin’s Company fight with 3 Trolls and there are only a couple weak crow enemies to detract from that fight.

The other possibility can find examples through each cycle. Shadows of Mirkwood has Hill Trolls, Marsh Adder, Hummerhorns, Chieftain Ufthak, and Attercop that players would rather not see if at all possible. Darrowdelf has very tough Cave Trolls. Heirs of Numenor has Umbar Assassins and Zealous Traitors that can wreak board states with direct damage. Dream-Chaser has Ship enemies with Boarding that puts more enemies into play engaged. Haradrim had various Southron enemies that either remove progress or negative effects when engaged. Ered Mithren brought back high attack tough trolls not to mention dangerous werewolves. Vengeance of Mordor putting an enemy in play often just gives the treachery attachments targets to be buffed.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Dunedain Hunter at 8. It is a gamble to play. Sometimes it is less of a gamble if the enemies in the quest are not that tough, or if played later in the game. When defense is well established, getting a zero cost ally with 3 attack is nice and powerful. Typically I want to play him early and get the Dunedain bonuses rolling. The trouble is that Dunedain lack a strong early defender. Amarthuil, Halbarad, or even Lore Aragorn can get there with Dunedain Warnings, Ancestral Armor, or Blood of Nuemenor. It is much more manageable with a good early defender like Beregond or traps that can negate whatever enemy that comes out. Even attack cancellation can be enough to get rid of the enemy and the player enjoy the 3 attack going forward.

All of these considerations on how and when best to play the hunter is why it is so low. It is not a simple card to play needs at least some support if a player wants to use it early. If used mid to late game when a player is stabilized, it can easily become win more or too much and push a game towards a loss. Then it has to compete with Fornost Bowman. Fornost Bowman’s attack can become much higher than Dunedain Hunter’s 3. The bowman also has ranged making it a very good multiplayer ally. Hunter works better solo since getting and keeping 2 enemies engaged can be tough outside a Trap deck, but an extra enemy early in true solo is also difficult to manage. I like what the card can do for the Dunedain archetype. It is difficult to play at the right time and use well.

  • Dave – 7
  • Grant – TBR
  • Ted – 4
  • Matt – 8
  • Average – 6.33

External Links

Sample Decks

Legolas Shoots Locations by kattattack22

Mono Tactics deck for Heirs of Numenor and Against the Shadow cycle. I tweaked the deck as I played through the cycle and through the various iterations it beat every quest. It definitely settled into a final form by Encounter at Amon Din.

Legolas Shoots Locations aka Mono Tactics v4

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Beregond (Heirs of Númenor)
Éowyn (The Flame of the West)
Legolas (Core Set)

Ally (24)
2x Beechbone (The Battle of Carn Dûm)
2x Bofur (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Defender of Rammas (Heirs of Númenor)
3x Derndingle Warrior (Escape from Mount Gram)
3x Dúnedain Hunter (The Lost Realm)
3x Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Return to Mirkwood)
2x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Honour Guard (The Wastes of Eriador)
3x Knights of the Swan (The Steward’s Fear)

Attachment (17)
2x Arod (The Treason of Saruman)
3x Dagger of Westernesse (The Black Riders)
3x Favor of the Valar (The Battle of Carn Dûm)
3x Gondorian Shield (The Steward’s Fear)
3x Rivendell Blade (Road to Rivendell)
3x Secret Vigil (The Lost Realm)

Event (9)
3x Feint (Core Set)
3x Foe-hammer (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Hands Upon the Bow (Shadow and Flame)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Flame of the West


Hero (1)
Aragorn (The Lost Realm)

Ally (10)
1x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Grimbold (The Flame of the West)
3x Legolas (The Treason of Saruman)
3x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)

Attachment (5)
3x Dwarven Axe (Core Set)
2x Horn of Gondor (Core Set)

Event (9)
3x Sterner than Steel (The Flame of the West)
3x The Eagles Are Coming! (The Hunt for Gollum)
3x Thicket of Spears (Core Set)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Quickbeam (Ally)

An Ent for all decks.

  • Player Card Categories
    • Enters Play
    • Messenger of the King
    • Readying


Merry and Pippin stayed with Quickbeam while the other Ents discussed going to war against Saruman at the Entmoot. He decided early to attack Saruman as he was a hasty Ent and his trees suffered much at the axes of the Uruk-hai.

Card Theme

The game has a great mechanism to represent how the Ents are not hasty in the game. They enter play exhausted.

They all have good stats, often hero level stats representing how powerful these ancient tree herders are. Entering play exhausted keeps a player from utilizing their stats right away without another card effect to ready them. This results in a tempo hit. Tempo is a game concept I originally learned in Magic the Gathering. Basically it describes the pace a player is on to victory. If you are quickly playing cards that each get you closer to winning then your tempo is fast. Another player can disrupt this tempo by getting rid of or canceling those cards. Ents can help contribute to that pace of the game, but players have to delay getting that benefit for a turn since they’re not immediately available. The encounter deck then might be a card ahead in tempo since the player forgoes using a card to deal with the new treachery, location, or enemy revealed that turn. Then it becomes a question of, if the power of the Ents overtake the encounter deck’s tempo advantage,

Card Synergies and Interactions

Ent Tribal

There are many other Ent cards that synergize quite well with Quickbeam as many have effects that work with damaged Ents. Booming Ent and Leaflock each count how many damaged Ents are in play to gain attack and willpower boosts, respectively. A player then that damages Quickbeam to ready him right away can also be boosting other Ent allies. Boom and Trumpted is a little more difficult to realize the benefit using Quickbeam’s ability, but not impossible. It just will require effects that put an ally into play outside of the planning phase like Sneak Attack or Reinforcements. Then of course there are facilitating cards like Entmoot and Treebeard ally. Entmoot is fantastic tribal card draw since it is not look at the top 5 and choose one but get all the Ent cards. Even if it doesn’t offset Ted’s top drawback for all cards, it most likely will significantly thin a player’s deck to increase the change of drawing it later. Treebeard ally acts like a 4th hero in Ent centric decks since his resources can be used to play Ent allies. Lastly, Wellinghall Preserver’s healing offsets the cost of Quickbeam’s ability since it can heal him during the Refresh phase.

Ally Action Advantage / Readying

Quickbeam has a good willpower of 2 to quest and an strong attack of 3 for an ally. It can be difficult to decide which to utilize especially if his 2 willpower is always needed to quest then a player is forgoing the use of his best stat. There are fortunately many ways to ready him. As seen earlier, there are a couple Ent speicific options with ally Treebeard if he has 2 resources although often it is better to just ready Treebeard himself. Boom and Trumpted can be an incredible play especially since it will boost his attack to 6. It will be difficult to manage outside quests with Archery considering Quickbeam’s weakest stat is defense.

While he can’t have restricted attachments, there is Valiant Determination and Spare Hood and Cloak that can let him both quest and attack. Valiant Determination is the best of these as it will ensure he can do both every turn. Leadership Faramir hero is another way to potentially get the most use of him although it will be dependent on engaging an enemy every turn. Leadership introduced ally readying with Every Vigilant and Grim Resolve in the Core set. Ever Vigliant is a reasonably efficient to get 3 attack on an enemy. Grim Resolve with the global readying is more aimed at turning the tide of a game to make a big quest push and then try to clear the board in combat. The Free Peoples offers a bit more synergy considering Quickbeam is such a strong efficient character that can easily fit into a deck with variety of traits. Even better it will boost his willpower to 3 for that big quest push.


Quickbeam already has hero level stats with his 2 willpower and 3 attack. He works especially well with this contract considering he’s only 2 cost. This is very helpful considering it requires 9 unique characters in play. The faster a player can get those 6 unique allies out to pass the threshold, the sooner all those characters gets +1 willpower, attack, and defense. Quick beam then gets 3 willpower and 4 attack. This is great since he can’t have restricted attachments and can’t get many of the other stat boosting attachments for allies.

Messenger of the King

Messenger of the King Quickbeam is a terrible nonbo. Quickbeam is amazing because he has the stats of a 4 cost ally or regular hero for the low, low cost of 2 Lore resources. Messenger of the King makes you pay the full cost of his stats with 9 threat and he’s enters play either exhausted or with a damage unlike other 9 threat cost heroes. A player is better off choosing a different unique ally with a a good ability, or a low threat hero with a decent stat or two. Lore has enough card draw that Quickbeam is easy to dig out the player’s deck.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Quickbeam at 1 ring. His cost to stats ratio is insane. Then his ability to ready once he comes into play completely offsets the Ent drawback of entering play exhausted to compensate for the higher stats. He has to take a damage, but that’s not a big deal and can even be a synergy. That can help immediately boost a Booming Ent. Otherwise, it only takes one Wellinghall Preserver to offset that cost. Even if he isn’t healed, he still has a 2 respectable hit points. There are a few quests that have effects that scale by damaged characters, but there so few and far between that it is negligible. The only arguments I have against him being a 1 is that he’s not neutral and he’s a terrible Messenger of the King hero. Otherwise, any deck I’m building with Lore that isn’t a trait centric deck or using Forth, the Three Hunters is going to have a minimum of one copy of Quickbeam. Most likely 2 to increase the changes of seeing him and minimize having a dead draw since he’s unique.

  • Dave – 3
  • Grant – TBR
  • Ted – 2
  • Matt – 1
  • Average – 2

External Links

Sample Decks

Super Hasty Ents by Master of Lore

Master of Lore created an Ent deck designed to avoid the tempo hit using Grima to play Treebeard turn 1. Faramir can ready Ents while engaging enemies or Treebeard’s resources will ready them if there are no enemies in play.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Faramir (The Land of Shadow)
Gandalf (The Road Darkens)
Gríma (The Voice of Isengard)

Ally (19)
1x Beechbone (The Battle of Carn Dûm)
3x Booming Ent (The Antlered Crown)
3x Derndingle Warrior (Escape from Mount Gram)
2x Quickbeam (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Skinbark (The Land of Shadow)
3x Treebeard (The Antlered Crown)
3x Wandering Ent (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
3x Wellinghall Preserver (Across the Ettenmoors)

Attachment (20)
2x Ent Draught (The Treason of Saruman)
3x Favor of the Valar (The Battle of Carn Dûm)
3x Gandalf’s Staff (The Road Darkens)
3x Keys of Orthanc (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Narya (The Grey Havens)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
3x Wizard Pipe (The Road Darkens)

Event (11)
3x A Good Harvest (The Steward’s Fear)
3x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Entmoot (The Treason of Saruman)
2x The Galadhrim’s Greeting (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Grey Havens

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Gwaihir (Hero)

  • Player Card Categories 
    • Enters Play
    • Leaves Play

The art doesn’t show him with a tiny crown, but the card demonstrates why he deserves it.


Gwaihir is the most prominent Eagle of the Misty Mountains which are the descendants of Manwe’s servants in the First and Second Ages, the Great Eagles. He is only one of three Eagles to be named in the trilogy along with Landroval and Meneldor. The first mention of Gwaihir is when Gandalf explains to Frodo how he was rescued from Orthanc. His second mention is in yet another Gandalf telling tale of his exploits this time to Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. This one relating that Gwaihir carried him from the mountaintop where he slew the Balrog after being returned to life to Lothlorien and then did some scouting for him along the River Anduin. Gwaihir makes his third appearance as one of the three eagles to fly to Fields of Cormallen and eventually Mount Doom to rescue Sam and Frodo after The One Ring’s destruction.

Card Theme

The readying Gwaihir whenever an Eagle enters or leaves play as Gwaihir preparing to swoop down on some enemies right after another eagle gets out of the way. It could also show Gwaihir being a lead from the front type of leader to the Eagles. He’s not going to let them go in alone against the forces the Shadow. He’s going to be right there with them divebombing the orcs.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Eagle Allies

The more Eagle allies you or the other players run in your decks, the more times you can ready Gwahir. The primary ones for this are Eagle Emissary, Vassel of the Winglord, Wilyador, and Winged Guardian since they can discard themselves. This also synergizes well with returning Descendent of Thorondor and Meneldor to hand with Born Aloft, Meneldor’s Flight, or Flight of the Eagles to maximize their enter and leave play effects.

Put Ally into Play

Another way to ready Gwaihir is to just put the Eagle allies into play. Sneak Attack from the core set is the staple card of this effect. It works great for a combat phase ready especially if Gwaihir committed to the quest. The ally is put into play to ready Gwaihir and he’ll ready at the end of combat when the ally is returned. Horns! Horns! Horns! is a Doomed alternative, but then it shuffles the ally into the deck rather than returning it to the player’s hand. Gwaihir’s Debt offers an is in sphere option to ready him twice in combat. The requirement to have an Istari and Eagle in play can be a little restrictive unless using hero Radagast, Gandalf, or Saruman. It’s also not as consistent since it is from the top 5 of the deck.

More general ally mustering cards like A Very Good Tale, Send for Aid, Timely Aid, Vilya, and The Red Arrow can also help get another Eagle ally into play. Like Gwaihir’s Debt, they are not as reliable since it is possible to whiff if there isn’t one near the top of the deck.

Stand and Fight also offers a way to put an Eagle ally into play outside the planning phase. Akin to the ally mustering effects, the ally won’t necessarily leave play triggering another ready. It does have the added bonus of being able to bring back one of the self discarding Eagles.

Unrestricted Attachments

Gwaihir’s constant effect keeps him from readying in the refresh phase is drawback to offset his readying ability. Unexpected Courage can offset this drawback and help Gwaihir function in the mid to late game if the supply of Eagle allies runs short.

Gwaihir’s other constant effect that he can’t have restricted attachments and his biggest drawback compared to other Tactics heroes. Tactics has the most restricted attachments of any of the spheres and most are centered on making characters better in combat. Gwaihir has a strong attack with decent defense and hit points, but he is prohibited from many of the best attachments to increase them. There are still a few options to help him be a better defender and attacker. Ent Draught, Self Preservation, and Lembas can give him some additional hit points and healing to help survive attacks with just his base defense. Dunedain Warning even with just one copy attached gets his defense up to 4 and on par with Beregond. Dunedain Mark gives a way to boost his attack further. He can even wield the Black Arrow to gain +5 for a single attack. He probably has to carry the arrow in his talons and just release it at target during a swoop down to “launch” it, but it could work. These few options, however, aren’t the best way to boost his attack and defense.

Support of the Eagles

Support of the Eagles is the best unrestricted attachment for Gwaihir. It is in-sphere. The bonus it gives is based on an Eagle ally’s stats so it synergizes already running many Eagle allies. The bonus lasts until the end of the phase meaning it can be exhausted at the beginning of combat to get a boost from Vassel of the Winglord, Wilyador, or Winged Guardian. Those allies can be used then to block or attack. Timed just right, this can give let Gwaihir defend and attack several times in a single combat phase. For example, Gwaihir could defend an enemy, then Winged Guardian defends another, the Guardian leaves play, Gwaihir readies, Gwaihir attacks an enemy, Vassel of the Winglord attacks another enemy, Vassel is discarded, Gwaihir readies, and is ready to attack another enemy. Even if there isn’t another enemy engaged with the Gwaihir player, he has ranged to attack across the table.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I’m going to rate Gwaihir at 4 rings. My initial rating for him was 5 because he’s a better multiplayer hero. I have played him solo and he is fine with enough Eagle allies and at least one Unexpected Courage that he can consistently ready at least once a turn. He is a hero you really need to build around. It effectively limits him to Eagle decks which tend to be low on willpower and combat oriented. In true solo, where the deck needs to handle all aspects of the quest can be too limiting. That he has both Ranged and Sentinel reinforces that he is stronger in a multiplayer setting. In multiplayer especially if another player also has Eagle allies, he can be incredibly good.

What pushed him into a 4 for me is the fun factor. He introduces a lot of interesting timing decisions to the Eagle archetype. Smart play with cards like Sneak Attack and Gwaihir’s Debt can make Gwaihir play like pre-errata Tactics Boromir. This really makes Eagles play a bit more like Silvans with the Eagles swooping in and out of play. Late game with a built up Eagles of the Misty Mountains and a Support of the Eagles, Gwaihir can take some beefy enemies alone. He’s a really fun hero for fans of Eagles and those that want to capitalize on them leaving play besides just with Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

  • Dave – 3
  • Grant – 5
  • Ted – TBR
  • Matt – 4
  • Matthew Dempsey – 1

External Links

Sample Decks

Slippery… Eagles? by Dave Walsh

Eagle deck designed to benefit from them entering and leaving play with Gwaihir and Tactic Eomer. Leadership Frodo provides a way to ready Gwaihir if needed.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Éomer (The Voice of Isengard)
Frodo Baggins (A Shadow in the East)
Gwaihir (The Land of Sorrow)

Ally (18)
3x Descendant of Thorondor (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
3x Eagle Emissary (The Land of Sorrow)
3x Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Return to Mirkwood)
2x Meneldor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
2x Radagast (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)
2x Wilyador (The Land of Sorrow)

Attachment (18)
2x Gúthwinë (The Mountain of Fire)
2x Necklace of Girion (The Wilds of Rhovanion)
2x Rod of the Steward (Flight of the Stormcaller)
2x Rohan Warhorse (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Secret Vigil (The Lost Realm)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Strength and Courage (The City of Ulfast)
2x Support of the Eagles (Return to Mirkwood)
1x The One Ring (A Shadow in the East)

Event (15)
3x Flight of the Eagles (Roam Across Rhovanion)
3x Meneldor’s Flight (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
3x The Eagles Are Coming! (The Hunt for Gollum)
3x Valiant Sacrifice (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 51 Cards
Cards up to The Land of Sorrow


Ally (3)
3x Eagle of the North (Roam Across Rhovanion)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Rohan and Eagles Race Wainriders by Matt Kell

This deck uses ALEP’s Last Alliance contact and has a readying focus so that the heroes are available for the appropriate racing test in Challenge of the Wainriders. Westfold Horse-Breaker in particular is key. You can use the contract in order to get Gwaihir to ready along with Eowyn or Thengel. Once Light-footed Steed is on one of them, all the heroes can ready from the discard.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Éowyn (Core Set)
Gwaihir (The Land of Sorrow)
Thengel (ALeP – Children of Eorl)

Contract (0)
1x The Last Alliance (ALeP – Children of Eorl)

Ally (25)
3x Escort from Edoras (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Gamling (The Land of Shadow)
1x Grimbold (The Flame of the West)
1x Meneldor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
2x Morwen Steelsheen (ALeP – Children of Eorl)
2x The Riddermark’s Finest (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
1x Théodwyn (ALeP – Children of Eorl)
3x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)
3x Westfold Horse-breaker (The Hunt for Gollum)
3x Wilyador (The Land of Sorrow)
3x Winged Guardian (The Hunt for Gollum)

Attachment (16)
3x Golden Shield (The Flame of the West)
3x Horn of the Mark (The City of Ulfast)
3x Light-footed Steed (ALeP – Children of Eorl)
2x Snowmane (The Land of Shadow)
3x Thrór’s Key (On the Doorstep)
2x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)

Event (9)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Flight of the Eagles (Roam Across Rhovanion)
3x The Eagles Are Coming! (The Hunt for Gollum)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to ALeP – Children of Eorl


Hero (1)
Éowyn (The Flame of the West)

Ally (3)
3x Eagle of the North (Roam Across Rhovanion)

Attachment (6)
3x Ancient Mathom (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Born Aloft (Conflict at the Carrock)

Event (3)
3x Ride to Ruin (The Hills of Emyn Muil)

Deck built on RingsDB.

Gwaihir Gets The Bling by bobbymcbobface

A deck designed solely to see how many useful attachments could put on Gwaihir.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Bilbo Baggins (Mount Gundabad)
Gwaihir (The Land of Sorrow)
Radagast (The Fate of Wilderland)

Ally (19)
3x Descendant of Thorondor (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
3x Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Return to Mirkwood)
2x Landroval (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Meneldor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
2x Messenger Raven (The Fate of Wilderland)
3x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)
3x Winged Guardian (The Hunt for Gollum)

Attachment (21)
1x Black Arrow (On the Doorstep)
2x Fast Hitch (The Dead Marshes)
1x Magic Ring (The Crossings of Poros)
1x Mithril Shirt (The Fate of Wilderland)
2x Necklace of Girion (The Wilds of Rhovanion)
3x Radagast’s Staff (The Fate of Wilderland)
1x Song of Travel (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
2x Sting (Mount Gundabad)
2x Support of the Eagles (Return to Mirkwood)
1x The Arkenstone (The Withered Heath)
2x Wizard Pipe (The Road Darkens)
3x Woodmen’s Clearing (The Withered Heath)

Event (10)
3x Flight of the Eagles (Roam Across Rhovanion)
2x Gwaihir’s Debt (The Fate of Wilderland)
3x Meneldor’s Flight (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
2x The Eagles Are Coming! (The Hunt for Gollum)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Land of Sorrow


Ally (3)
3x Eagle of the North (Roam Across Rhovanion)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Core Gandalf

  • Player Card Categories 
    • Card Draw
    • Direct Damage
    • Threat Reduction
    • Enters Play

The most thematic Gandalf and so powerful that it’s a challenge to not include him in a deck.


Gandalf is one of five Istari, Maiar emissaries in the form of old men, sent to Middle Earth by the Valar in the Third Age. They were sent to help the elves and men against Sauron. He traveled the Westlands extensively combing to know the men, elves, dwarves, and hobbits. In the books, he is the architect of the plan to burgle treasure from Smaug and eventually remove the dragon. He recruits Bilbo Baggins to be that burglar. Then it is in Lord of the Rings, Gandalf learns Biblo’s magic ring that he discovered during the adventure with Thorin’s company is The One Ring forged by Sauron. Gandalf is the one to advise Frodo to leave the Shire initiating the chain of events leading to the formation of the The Fellowship of the Ring, the ring’s destruction, and Sauron’s ultimate defeat.

Card Theme

The biggest thematic element is that Gandalf only remains in play for a round. Just like the books, Gandalf shows up, helps tremendously, and is gone again for a while. Just take The Hobbit for example, Gandalf mysteriously disappears right before Thorin’s Company is captured by trolls and reappears later to free them. He leaves them again later at the beginning of Mirkwood to deal with the Necromancer. Then rejoins the narrative after Smaug is defeated and the Dwarves, Men of Dale, and Elves of Mirkwood are having a stand off over the ownership of Erebor’s treasure.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Put into Play and Return Ally to Hand Effects

Sneak Attack + Gandalf, the core set combo that cemented Sneak Attack as a Leadership staple and delivers tremendous value. It is so good, I’ve written and Dave made a video about it before in the Core Set Combo series For the low, low cost of one Leadership resource the player can draw 3 cards, lower threat by 5, or deal 4 direct damage to an enemy. Additionally you get to use Gandalf’s 4 willpower, attack, or defense for a phase. The value is very apparent comparing the cost of card draw, threat reduction, and direct damage on other cards. For example, Galadhrim’s Greeting can reduce a single players threat by 6 for 3 cost. Sneak Attack and Gandalf can reduce threat by nearly the same amount for a third of the cost.

There are a few more cards that can let players put Gandalf into play temporarily much like Sneak Attack and get additional triggers of his enters play abilities. Horns! Horns! Horns! is arguably a Doomed version of Sneak Attack costing 2 threat instead of resource and shuffling the ally into the deck instead of returning it to hand. Still a great way to get Gandalf into play cheaply especially if using the threat reduction which then it becomes a net reduction of 3 threat and can use Gandalf for a phase. Reinforcements is a double sneak attack for decks with 3 Leadership heroes, A Good Harvest, or some other resource smoothing. Gwahir’s Debt is a little trickier since Gandalf would have to be in the top 5 cards, but still an option particularly in an Eagle deck giving it more potential uses. Lastly, Born Aloft while free, doesn’t put Gandalf into play. A player can use it on a full cost Gandalf, get to use him for nearly the entire round and then return to hand during the action window in the refresh phase.

Ally Readying

Gandalf’s limitation of being in play for 1 round often means players aren’t able to take advantage of his amazing stat line. Readying effects that target allies or characters fix that issue. The Core Set gave players using Leadership Ever Vigilant to ready a single ally and Grim Resolve to ready all characters. As the game progressed many single target and global readying effects have been added. Narya (attached to Cirdan in this case) is very powerful to use with allies that already have strong stats since it further boosts their attack and defense. Flame of Anor is limited to Istari, but can make for huge attack if a high cost card is mined from the player deck. Leadership Faramir hero like Narya offers a repeatable ally readying effect rather than rely on one time events.

Stand and Fight

Stand and Fight notoriously is not a combo or nonbo in card game parlance with Core Gandalf. The first FAQ clarified that Stand and Fight can only target allies that belong to a sphere. Neutral cards do not belong to any of the spheres and therefore Gandalf is not an eligible target.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Core Set Gandalf at 1. His power is very apparent with 4s across all his stats which few heroes has equal printed values in either willpower, attack, and defense and only 1 surpasses in printed attack. On top of these amazing stats, he gives players 3 fantastic choices for an enters play effect. He’s neutral which means any deck can play him without having to plan in resource smoothing. Core Set Gandalf is what Magic the Gathering players would call a bomb card. He has such a big effect on the game that it change the course of it. It is a testament to that card that veterans often talk about getting tired of putting this version of Gandalf into decks. He’s so good there’s often no reason to not include him and became seen as a crutch in deck builing to the point veterans will avoid using him.

  • Dave – 2
  • Grant – 2
  • Ted – TBR
  • Matt – 1
  • Average – 1.67

External Links

Sample Decks

Play Gandalf Every Turn by Dale Stephenson

A combo deck that uses The Elvenking + Elf-friend + Bard Son of Brand to be able to play Gandalf every turn. Basically the player plays Gandalf and attaches Elf-friend to him. Later The Elvenking can return Gandalf to the player’s hand. Bard Son of Brand’s ability returns Elf-friend to the players hand. Steward of Gondor + Arwen or Steward + Necklace of Girion supplies the 6 resources to be able to play Gandalf and Elf-friend round after round.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Arwen Undómiel (The Dread Realm)
Bard son of Brand (The Wilds of Rhovanion)
Thranduil (Fire in the Night)

Ally (8)
1x Galion (Fire in the Night)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
1x Henamarth Riversong (Core Set)
1x Legolas (The Treason of Saruman)
2x Marksman of Lórien (The Drowned Ruins)

Attachment (17)
2x Ancestral Armor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
1x Cloak of Lórien (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
1x Dúnedain Remedy (The Drowned Ruins)
3x Elf-friend (The Treachery of Rhudaur)
1x Mithril Shirt (The Fate of Wilderland)
1x Necklace of Girion (The Wilds of Rhovanion)
1x Self Preservation (Core Set)
2x Staff of Lebethron (The Land of Shadow)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
2x The Elvenking (Fire in the Night)

Event (25)
2x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Elf Guide (Mount Gundabad)
3x Elrond’s Counsel (The Watcher in the Water)
3x Elven-light (The Dread Realm)
3x Feigned Voices (The Three Trials)
3x Island Amid Perils (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
3x Reforged (The Fate of Wilderland)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
2x The King’s Return (The Fate of Wilderland)

Player Side Quest (1)
1x Gather Information (The Lost Realm)

3 Heroes, 51 Cards
Cards up to The Fate of Wilderland

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

Cirdan’s Solo Support Group by The Purple Wizard

This deck is designed to play Reinforcements multiple times through recycling the discard pile with Will of the West. It also features Cirdan and Narya to ready and boost the allies Reinforcements puts into play.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Balin (On the Doorstep)
Círdan the Shipwright (The Grey Havens)
Denethor (Flight of the Stormcaller)

Ally (18)
1x Arwen Undómiel (The Watcher in the Water)
1x Beorn (Core Set)
2x Elrond (The Road Darkens)
3x Envoy of Pelargir (Heirs of Númenor)
1x Erestor (The Long Dark)
3x Galadriel (The Road Darkens)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
1x Gimli (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Glorfindel (Flight of the Stormcaller)
1x Orophin (Celebrimbor’s Secret)
1x Squire of the Citadel (The Blood of Gondor)

Attachment (20)
2x Armored Destrier (Temple of the Deceived)
3x Dúnedain Warning (Conflict at the Carrock)
3x King Under the Mountain (On the Doorstep)
3x Light of Valinor (Foundations of Stone)
3x Narya (The Grey Havens)
3x Silver Harp (The Treachery of Rhudaur)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)

Event (12)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
1x Captain’s Wisdom (The Thing in the Depths)
3x Reinforcements (The Treachery of Rhudaur)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
2x Will of the West (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to Temple of the Deceived


Ally (3)
1x Beorn (Core Set)
2x Squire of the Citadel (The Blood of Gondor)

Attachment (4)
1x Magic Ring (The Crossings of Poros)
2x Tome of Atanatar (The Blood of Gondor)
1x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)

Event (4)
2x Legacy of Númenor (The Voice of Isengard)
1x Second Breakfast (Conflict at the Carrock)
1x Will of the West (Core Set)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.


  • Player Card Categories
    • Location Control
    • Enters Play
    • Leaves Play
    • Messenger of the King


Meneldor is one of the Eagles of the Misty Mountains that are descended from Thorondor. Thorondor was the leader of the servants of Manwe, the Great Eagles in the First and Second Ages. More specifically, Meneldor is one of the three eagles to fly to Mount Doom to rescue Sam and Frodo after the Battle of the Morannon.

“Side by side they lay; and down swept Gwaihir, and down came Landroval and Meneldor the swift; and in a dream, not knowing what fate had befallen them, the wanderers were lifted up and borne far away out of the darkness and the fire.” –The Return of the King, Chapter 4: The Field of Cormallen

Meneldor along with Gwaihir and Landroval are the only named eagles in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Card Theme

Knowing that Meneldor was one of the Eagles to rescue Sam and Frodo, it would seem like his card should have an effect to return an ally or hero to play or at least back to hand for an ally. The problem is there are already eagle cards with those effects.

Meneldor’s Flight in fact already references Meneldor and has an effect that can “rescue” an Eagle ally from play. Landroval and Born Aloft represent are more thematic to those three as they can rescue any hero or ally. The of course to complete the trio, Gwaihir ally can also return an Eagle ally from the discard pile. The rescue theme then is well covered.

The earlier mention of Meneldor in the same chapter then seems to be the inspiration for the location progress mechanism:

“‘The North Wind blows, but we shall outfly it,’ said Gwaihir. And he lifted up Gandalf and sped away south, and with him went Landroval, and Meneldor young and swift. And they passed over Udûn and Gorgoroth and saw all the land in ruin and tumult beneath them, and before them Mount Doom blazing, pouring out its fire.” –The Return of the King, Chapter 4: The Field of Cormallen

This isn’t the first time that the Eagle’s ability to quickly traverse Middle-Earth is demonstrated. In the Hobbit, they also carried Thorin’s Company from the Misty Mountains to The Carrock. Progress in the game is intended to represent the characters traveling and exploring Middle Earth. It is still very fitting then to have one of the Eagles represent their ability to swiftly travel across Middle-Earth. Meneldor who is called out as swift in the passage is fitting then to have ability to place progress directly on a location.

Card Synergies and Interactions

Put into Play and Return Ally to Hand

Sneak Attack from the core set covers both effects and rightfully is the staple card to bounce allies with enter and/or leave play effects. Sneak Attack + Meneldor will place 4 progress on a location making it the location control version of Sneak Attack + Gandalf. Alternatively, Horns! Horns! Horns! can also make both triggers happen but then Meneldor is shuffled into the deck. Gwaihir’s Debt is another way to trigger both effects that is limited to Eagles or Istari. The requirement to have an Istari and Eagle in play can be a little restrictive unless using hero Radagast, Gandalf, or Saruman. It’s also not as consistent since it is from the top 5 of the deck. Horns! Horns! Horns! shuffling a copy back into your deck could even help set up Gwaihir’s Debt later especially late game when the deck is thinner.

Meneldor’s Flight, Born Aloft, Flight of the Eagles, and much like the core set Sneak Attack let you get extra triggers on the Eagles enter and leave play effects. Discard recursion effects like Gwaihir ally, Stand and Fight, and To the Eyrie are even better at getting to double up on Meneldor’s response considering he can chump block first.

Effects that Trigger off Leave Play

There are a number of cards that also combo with bouncing Meneldor in and out of play. Gwaihir hero and Leadership Prince Imrahil heroes both get to ready when he leaves play. Gwaihir can also ready when he enters play that can make him ready for combat if Meneldor is Sneak Attacked into play after Gwaihir is committed to the quest. Tactics Eomer can get a nice attack boost. Valiant Sacrifice can provide some additional card draw and is in the same sphere with Sneak Attack and Horns! Horns! Horns! to help set it up. Pre-errata Horn of Gondor could provide a resource for bouncing Meneldor since it triggered off a character leaving play. The errata making when a character is destroyed still provides some benefit, but no longer combos with the return ally to hand effects.

Eagles of the Misty Mountains

In order to reliably utilize all the bouncing effects, you will likely want to run more than a single copy of Meneldor. This means there’s a good chance with him being a unique the second or third copy could be a dead draw. The Eagles of the Misty Mountains allow the extra copies to be useful once the first one is attached to bolster the Eagle of the Misty Mountains.

Direct Location Progress

In sphere, Tactics Legolas Hero and his mighty steed Arod can build on this part of Meneldor’s effect. Especially if you include many of the previously mentioned cards to bounce him in and out of play. There’s also the Beorning Guardian, but the effect can only be triggered after he destroys an enemy. On top of that the progress is conditional on the enemy’s threat, and you have to discard him. It’s a little too conditional with a fairly high cost of 3 resource ally with a hero level attack stat of 3.

Spirit does have many options with Northern Tracker, Spirit Aragorn Hero, Lórien Guide, Steed of Imladris, Woodland Courier, and Backtrack. Woodland Courier in particular has some synergy with the put into play and return ally to hand effects as it places progress when it enters play. Lore also has many cards with this effect, such as, Mirkwood Explorer, The Evening Star, and Asfaloth. Leadership, unfortunately, only has Snowbourne Scout and Longbeard Elder. While the Snowbourne Scout also benefits from Sneak Attack and similar cards, it is usually not worth the cost. At 3 cost, he is a little pricey to include in a dual sphere deck with more direct location progress effects.

Guarded X Cards

Meneldor can help free any of the Guarded X cards that are guarded by a location. He can likely do so in a single turn if combined with a bounce effect as many locations have 4 quest points or less.1 Unfortunately, the two Tactics ones, Sting and Durin’s Axe can only be guarded by enemies. The good news is there are neutral ones. Necklace of Girion in particular is helpful in an Eagle focused deck for the willpower boosting and resource acceleration. Stone of Elostirion as one of the two that has to be guarded by a location Meneldor can help get into play. It also is in sphere with hero Radagast that is often played with Eagles since his staff provides strong resource acceleration and readying for eagle allies.

Quest Specific

Hills of Emyn Muil is notorious for being the first location focused quest. Location lock is really the only threat in the quest and any way to place progress on locations in the staging area is a good idea. The Antlered Crown’s locations all have Time X with effects that trigger if they’re not explored in 2 or 3 turns.

The Haradrim cycle featured many locations that have forced effects when they become the active location. Among others with costly Travel effects. Although there are some counters to direct location progress like Gates of Iron that prevents progress being put on locations in the staging area.

Ring Rating

Card Talk uses the highly scientific yet arbitrary scale of 1 ring for the card to rule them all to 10 to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

I rate Meneldor at 3 rings. I really do think of him as the location control equivalent of Sneak Attack + Gandalf. Few cards can drop 4 progress on a location at one time like that. Besides Sneak Attack, there are quite a few ways to bounce him in and out of play to get the effect. The 3 cost isn’t the easiest if you have pay full cost each time but in a deck with Radagast and his staff, Steward of Gondor, or Hirgon it is very reasonable.

Then there are his stats. Two willpower in Tactics is very good for that sphere. He’s an auto-include in mono-Tactics that wants to do any questing. The two attack is nice too, but I often find that I wish it was lower to give him more willpower or hit points. Speaking of hit points, two is always good to see on ally. It gives just a little bit of margin to take direct damage effects like Necromancer’s Reach or Archery.

If there is any complaint that I have about the card, it is that he’s unique. When playing him without any return ally to hand effects, you won’t trigger his effect more than once a game usually. His willpower is just too good to chump block with him just for another 2 progress. That is until you draw another copy or have an Eagles of the Misty Mountains in play. Even then, it may not be worth it in opportunity cost since he costs 3 resources.

Overall, he’s a great card. The willpower and location control effects were still needed in Tactics even in the full card pool. It was needed even more so for Eagles that are fantastic at combat but had little to no questing power for the longest time. Lastly, he’s just fun to play when you can bounce him in and out of play to clear some troublesome locations.

  • Dave – 3
  • Grant – 3
  • Ted – 2
  • Matt – 3
  • Average – 2.75


  1. I sampled approximately 140 locations from Shadows of Mirkwood, Darrowdelf, Ered Mithren, and Vengence of Mordor cycles found the average to be slightly less than 4 quest points. Also 4 quest points was the most common.

External Links

Sample Decks

Slippery… Eagles? by Card Talk Dave

Dave takes his expertise in bouncing Silvans in and out of play and applies it to an Eagle deck.

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Éomer (The Voice of Isengard)
Frodo Baggins (A Shadow in the East)
Gwaihir (The Land of Sorrow)

Ally (18)
3x Descendant of Thorondor (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
3x Eagle Emissary (The Land of Sorrow)
3x Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Return to Mirkwood)
2x Meneldor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
2x Radagast (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)
2x Wilyador (The Land of Sorrow)

Attachment (18)
2x Gúthwinë (The Mountain of Fire)
2x Necklace of Girion (The Wilds of Rhovanion)
2x Rod of the Steward (Flight of the Stormcaller)
2x Rohan Warhorse (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Secret Vigil (The Lost Realm)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Strength and Courage (The City of Ulfast)
2x Support of the Eagles (Return to Mirkwood)
1x The One Ring (A Shadow in the East)

Event (15)
3x Flight of the Eagles (Roam Across Rhovanion)
3x Meneldor’s Flight (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
3x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
3x The Eagles Are Coming! (The Hunt for Gollum)
3x Valiant Sacrifice (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 51 Cards
Cards up to The Land of Sorrow


Ally (3)
3x Eagle of the North (Roam Across Rhovanion)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.

#justiceforBilbo by Pirate Brahm

Main Deck

Hero (3)
(MotK) Bilbo Baggins (Messenger of the King Allies)
Gandalf (The Road Darkens)
Radagast (The Fate of Wilderland)

Contract (0)
1x Messenger of the King (The Land of Sorrow)

Ally (23)
2x Arwen Undómiel (The Watcher in the Water)
3x Erebor Toymaker (Mount Gundabad)
2x Giant Bear (Fire in the Night)
3x Loyal Hound (The Fate of Wilderland)
2x Meneldor (Roam Across Rhovanion)
3x Messenger Raven (The Fate of Wilderland)
3x The Riddermark’s Finest (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
2x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)
3x Wild Stallion (Roam Across Rhovanion)

Attachment (19)
2x A Burning Brand (Conflict at the Carrock)
3x Expert Treasure-hunter (On the Doorstep)
2x Gandalf’s Staff (The Road Darkens)
1x Narya (The Grey Havens)
3x Radagast’s Staff (The Fate of Wilderland)
2x Shadowfax (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Silver Circlet (Wrath and Ruin)
2x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)
3x Wizard Pipe (The Road Darkens)

Event (18)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Drinking Song (Mount Gundabad)
3x Flame of Anor (The Road Darkens)
3x Hidden Cache (The Morgul Vale)
2x The Galadhrim’s Greeting (Core Set)
1x Will of the West (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 60 Cards
Cards up to Messenger of the King Allies


Ally (4)
2x Ghân-buri-Ghân (The Flame of the West)
2x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)

Attachment (2)
2x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)

Event (6)
3x Bulwark of the West (The Crossings of Poros)
3x Word of Command (The Long Dark)

Decklist built and published on RingsDB.